Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Making Money: It’s All In The Mind.
Whether you are strapped for cash in the lunch queue, trying to find a tax break, trying to make ends meet or planning your next family vacation, you will understand that money is important. There are various beliefs in our modern day culture that ‘money is the root to all evil, and that ‘money doesn’t buy you happiness’. I can see what the people that say these types of things mean and to some extent understand where they are coming from. However I don’t subscribe to their way of thinking. Why? Well because I believe that if you manage your money well then it can’t manage you. In today’s world, being rich is not that difficult, however staying happy and content with your new found riches is another story.
We live in a society today where the rich just get richer, the average households disposable income is going up and what with the internet; we can get all the information that we want and need at the click of a button. I have made my money just like a lot of others, online. This is now an industry where you need to plan well to make money and is not as easy as it was 10 years ago, having said that it still beats 8 hours of hard labour per day, earning money for your employer as well as yourself.
To me making money is all in the mind. When we are children we are conditioned by are parents and the people around us, how we should feel about money. We would be told things like ‘I can’t afford that’, ‘I am always penniless’ and ‘money doesn’t grow on trees you know!’ Next time you catch yourself saying the first one of these sayings – say to yourself – ‘how am I going to afford this?’ this ultimately is asking your mind for an answer instead of giving it a statement. In fact what you are actually doing is using the best computer (your brain) to work out a solution, instead of just writing yourself off with a chuck away ‘I can’t afford it’ comment.
It you are serious about changing your mindset towards money and you want to start using your brain to achieve the goals and dreams that you deserve then I would recommend that you try hypnosis and self hypnosis. Start with a hypnosis download or recording and let the results speak for themselves. If you have the astuteness to decide that my advice is worth taking then I wish you the best of luck in your new found success!
Making Money: The Million Dollar Notepad
There is a tool available for making money which is so powerful that you'll never find a successful entrepreneur without one. This tool is inexpensive, available everywhere, and you probably already have one you aren't using. I'm speaking, of course, about the humble notepad.
If you think I'm exaggerating the importance of this little item, visit an office supply store. Take a look at the notebooks and notepads they have for sale. There will be two basic types in various sizes: simple paperback notebooks for students and elaborate vinyl or leather versions for businessmen. Next, ask yourself this question: Who would buy a $79 leather-bound journal when there is a perfectly good $1.29 notebook not three feet away?
Someone with money to spend. Someone who considers it to be very important.
You should take recording your thoughts seriously too. When you have an idea that might make money, write it down -- period. No matter how busy you may be, no matter who you are talking to, scribble out 5-10 words and put the pad away. Don't be embarrassed. If anything you will appear more professional and go up a notch in the eyes of your peers.
Even ideas that seem completely out of reach should be recorded. How many times have you had a conversation with friends that included "Wouldn't it be great if somebody came up with an [insert great idea]?" Well, someone just came up with it. The fact that you aren't a software programmer doesn't mean you can't have a great idea for a program. Pretend that you have a dedicated staff of writers, designers, and engineers at your disposal -- because some day you might; and if that day comes the handful of words you stashed away will become a goldmine. There are big ideas and small ideas, use the ones you can and keep the rest for later.
Thanks to the Internet you are not limited to pen and paper. Use the notepad utility in your phone or PDA if it has one, and place a text file on your Windows desktop that you can use for quick notes. Another useful method is to create a special folder in your inbox for notes. Set your email software to put all messages in it that have subjects starting with "Idea:". Anytime you have a flash of inspiration all you have to do is email yourself and your thoughts get neatly collected in one place. This has the added advantage of making it easy to search through your notes with your mail client's "Find" feature.
The utility of a notepad is determined entirely by the discipline with which you use it. Most people are bubbling over with ideas that last only a whimsical moment or two and then are forgotten. Don't let yours slip away, instead keep them close and they will become an invaluable part of your long-term success.
make money,
making money,
7 Tips To Improve Your Income
Everyone says that a man with money is a strong man, and we all know that’s true. You cannot have a successful business man without a suitable cash flow. If this secret is so well known, why are so many struggling businesses? When running the daily aspects of a business this kind of things, money aspects, are not so clear. We will present you 7 tips to help you improve your income.
1. Cash and Carry. Try to build a business based on cash and carry system and stay far away from worries about receivables. This is the best business plan, where customers “pay when they buy” leaving you only with the money. Collecting money takes a lot of your time, that’s why you are almost obligated to come with new options of paying. Set your rules from the start of your business, so your partners and clients will know what you want from them.
2. Collect receivables in a very strict way. Don’t let the customers pay you when they remember, go and collect your money in time. To be a good administrator of your business means to have a successful business, so create and apply a set of collecting rules. Longer wait for receivables, harder becomes collecting them. You don’t need a rude attitude to collect your cash; all it takes is a strong voice behind a stronger man. A very useful thing to do is to establish a collecting date after witch you should send out a follow-up statement within 10 to 30 days from the established date. Each business has its own opinions about the perfect time. You should not send follow-up statements sooner then 10 days from the established date. Payment may be delayed by the mail, but no longer then 30 days. If you don’t receive the payment within a 45 – 60 days term, you should notice your customer trough a phone-call. Accounts that go past a 90 day term should be taken to the next step, of collections with a method you established for this situation. Because time is money, every day that passes you’re collecting term ads more costs for your business.
3. Receivables Funding. Apply a program that involves accounts receivable funding. Factoring of accounts receivable it’s a very good way to keep the cash flowing. Factoring programs are very used by businesses that work with government agencies. If your clients are small businesses or individuals you may find it more difficult to apply an accounts receivable funding program because there are more risks to assume.
4. Suppliers. Negotiate terms with your supplier to help delay the outflow of cash payments. Usually you can delay the payment until the end of the month or even up to 60 days. This allows you a little advantage of working with their money on your projects. Also this delay will end (hopefully) just when your clients pay, so you can pay forward to your vendors. Some companies prefer the route of forwarding, giving you the opportunity increase your offers without having to invest large amounts of money in more products.
5. Deposits of customers. Have your customers pay a deposit before starting your work. This will help you cover the first costs of the project. More and more companies use this method of funding. It reduces the risks of nonpayment because you already got some upfront money.
6. Permanent credit limit. Implement a credit account through a lender to help you keep a floating line of your cash. Especially if the sum of savings form prompt pay discounts is bigger then the financing charge of the lender is smaller then the suppliers charge for late payment.
7. Save founds. Create a “hard time” funding source. Most businesses have ups and downs in their activities and an efficient cash management can be quite difficult. Put some money away during your top times to help you in harsh times. We all know this sounds a little bit hard, but it’s very easy, take a percentage of your monthly earnings and put it in a savings account.
You may find all of these 7 tips useful for your business, or just 1 or 2, but remember that anything you do to improve your cash flow will raise your business. The worst thing you can do is sit back and hope for the best. See all those “CLOSED” signs in the shop windows? They hoped and they lost. Be smart, do your best and keep your business at a pro level.
5 Questions Every Mom Should Ask About Paid Surveys
If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking for some extra money. You’re willing to work but you want to be compensated for your time. You also want flexibility in your schedule. If this sounds like you, then paid surveys can be wonderful.
Paid surveys are perfect for stay at home mothers. Obviously the extra money will help with the bills. They can also be quite fun. Of course, since surveys can be done online, the schedule is up to you. You can take surveys when the baby is sleeping, when the kids are out, or while watching TV with the family. It is really up to you. You’re in control.
To figure out if paid surveys are for you, it is important to ask the right questions. Below are the 5 questions moms should ask.
1. Is it really possible to get paid for taking surveys online? Explain this!
Surveys are legitimate. They are real. As a mom, you can make money from your home taking surveys online. According to the research, there are at least 6-7 million companies that survey consumers. They pay you for your opinions. Ultimately, they do this to figure out how to sell their products and services. You are helping them do research and they are paying you for it.
2. How much money can I earn? How many surveys can I take?
This is actually pretty simple. The amount of money you make is directly proportional to the effort you put in. In plain terms, the more surveys you take, the more you earn. Your monthly income will depend on what you do and how much time you spend. Some people are on top of the latest promotions and are in tune with the needs of marketing companies. They react quickly to survey requests. Based on the circumstances, it is possible to make $75 per hour or more for every hour, although this will vary. The key to maximizing you opportunities will be subscribing to a paid survey database.
3. How do I know this is legitimate and that I’ll get paid? Are there any guarantees?
Most paid survey and marketing research companies are legitimate. However, there are some scams. To find the best opportunities and to avoid scams, it is best to pay a small fee to join a paid survey database. They often offer many perks too, such as free ebooks on maximizing revenue and also form filling automation tools. Keep in mind that fraudulent companies will be quickly removed from the paid survey databases. If you surf for surveys on your own, one at a time, you’re likely to encounter issues. That means you’ll waste your time and energy. As a mother, you can’t afford to waste what spare time you have!
4. How often will I be paid? How often will I be paid? Exactly how am I paid?
The companies administering the survey will usually pay you directly. This is almost always done using checks. The delivery is usually done with postal mail. The more progressive companies understand the needs of mothers. They provide flexibility and pay via PayPal. Typically, you’ll get paid every other week. In some cases, you might have to wait a full month. Be sure to pay attention.
5. Why do paid survey databases charge a fee?
The simple answer is quality, safety and reputation. A small fee for subscription to a paid survey database will pay for itself in just a few days for active moms. The small fees also encourage serious applicants only. Consider it a screening process. This increases the quality of the database and increases the likelihood that companies will seek out the paid survey databases. It works better for everyone and actually drives up your chances for getting in on a good (high paying) survey. Some companies only work with a few paid survey databases, so again, your small subscription fee will give you better opportunities.
They are many opportunities out there for moms. With a little time and energy, and perhaps a small upfront investment for access to a paid survey database, you could be pulling down smart money every day.
4 Ways To Finance That Renovation
So you have finally purchased that 19th century farm house that you have always pictured yourself living in the problem is how do you finance the restoration? It is easy to get mortgages for the value of the home even a little extra if you have a good credit rating but today a renovation can cost more than the original purchase price of the property.
The first option s to look at your available assets. You can get a home equity loan if there is any equity in your house. Use your credit cards for short term renovation or borrow money from your parents these ideas are only usable in a short term renovation once the renovations completed you should be able to refinance your home and pay of the relatives, high interest credit cards and roll your home equity loan into your mortgage.
You may be able to get a “line of credit” a line of credit is usually easy to get up to $30,000.00 with out much effort and with a minimal amount of paperwork these lines of credit are good for short term renovation that are under the $100,000.00 dollar mark. The interest rates tend to be on the high side but you can draw out the money as you need it and only pay interest on the cash that has been withdrawn and again once the renovation is completed you can refinance and pay of the line of credit and combine all your loans in the mortgage.
Depending on the scope of your renovation you may be eligible for store loans and credit card offers. Many home stores now have their own credit cards they offer deal such as interest free credit for one year you may be able negotiate a longer term. The important thing here is to pay off the loan/credit card prior to the free period expiring otherwise the interest will revert back to the initial purchase. Some stores will also offer you a interest free construction loan for your project the terms of these construction loans vary from store to store read the fine print carefully like the credit card deals these usually have a time limit. Again one the renovation is completed you can refinance and pay off the loan avoiding high interest dept.
Construction loans are generally reserved for larger projects this kind of loan is a short term loan the money can be taken as needed and interest is paid on the money that has been taken out. Almost everyone now offers construction loans this completion has brought the costs of these loans down. The nice thing about construction loans is that you can withdraw the money as you need it once the renovation is done you can refinance and have one closing and one mortgage. One thing you should keep in mind when shopping for a construction loan is the fees and finance charges as always keep an eye on the fine print for hidden charges.
home loan,
4 Main Risks Involved In Futures Trading
There’s no doubt that futures trading is inherently a risky business. Anyone who tells you it is 100% risk free is either ignorant or trying to sell you something. The truth is futures trading is a gamble. There’s no telling when you are going to win or when you are going to lose. The best strategy is to play this game based on the cards you have and hope for the best.
Futures trading does have huge rewards if you win and that’s probably the reason many people are attracted to it. However the chances of you losing big is just as great if not greater particularly if you are new to futures trading.
I outline the 4 main risks when trading in futures. You might want to read further before deciding futures trading is suitable for you.
1. Speculative Business
Futures Trading is speculative in nature. No matter what the experts tell you or predict, it is not always 100% accurate. Take it with a pitch of salt. The best investment strategy is not to put all your eggs in one basket, divesting your investment among different financial instruments.
2. Financial Backing
Futures Trading requires a large capital outlay at the beginning which is expendable. Therefore it is definitely not for the faint of heart. If you are thinking of making money in futures trading to pay your bills, then my advise is don’t. You should not use money to pay your bills/loans/grocery to dabble in futures trading. Only use money you can afford to expend.
Ideally, a person who wants to play in futures trading should have at least $10,000 USD in his/her personal trading account.
3. Technical Knowledge
Futures Trading requires an intimate knowledge of financial instruments. At the very least, you should be knowledgeable in the 4 main investments categories namely, income, growth, speculation and inflation hedges. Without adequate knowledge, it will restrict you to where you can invest on the market and lose potential revenue on a particular sector of the financial market.
You might be thinking I can always rely on my broker for advice. While it’s good to seek the advice of someone knowledgeable, you should be able to make intelligent decisions on your own and the only way to do that is if you have sufficient knowledge.
4. Only Invest What You Can Lose
I would not advise someone new to trading to dabble in futures simply because of the risks involved.
You should have a balanced portfolio with only a certain percentage invested in futures. My advise is about 10% but that depends on your financial standing and your investment strategy. In general, only use money that you can afford to lose in futures trading.
The 4 main risks I outline above is not meant to discourage you from futures trading. What I want to make clear is you fully understand the risks involved and also what you need to do to better your chances at winning in futures trading.
4 Deadly Reasons Why Beginners Fail In The Share Market
1. Don't know how to choose the right share to buy
2. Don't know when to bail out of a losing share
3. Don't know when to take profit on a winning share
4. Don't Know how to construct a proper portfolio
1. Don't know how to choose the right share to buy...
How does beginners choose what shares to buy amongst thousands of shares? You might choose to listen to your share broker, or listen to your "experienced" relative, or listen to free "share pick" on the internet...etc... and you will end up losing money.
Because individual share behavior is very complex, only the most professional full time traders have the right technology to make proper share pick decisions. Such experience and technology is simply not available especially to the beginner trader.
2. Don't know when to bail out of a losing share...
The deadliest killer of beginner traders is not knowing when to get out of a losing share. Too many traders hold on to their shares until it is worth nothing. Most beginners will hold on hoping that the share will stage a rebound because you simply do not have the technology to tell if a share will ever rebound! The only way for a beginner to prevent losing everything is for an expert to tell them when to get out of a trade.
3. Don't know when to take profit on a winning share...
How many times have you heard stories around you of people who hold on to shares which made them a lot of money until one day, the share turned around on them into a severe loss?
Too many people keep thinking that their winning shares will keep on winning forever and never knew when to take profit... until the shares crashed on them! The problem is again that telling when a share is losing upward momentum is extremely difficult.
4. Don't know how to construct a proper portfolio...
Do you know that many shares actually move up and down together no matter what? Do you know that there are shares that totally move opposite to each other? Do you know that many shares actually move exactly opposite to the way the market is moving? Do you know that there are shares that do not ever move? Do you know that there are shares that are on the verge of getting delisted?
If you do not know the above, how would you ever be able to intelligently put different shares together so that you can make money? What if you put a share together with a share that moves exactly opposite to it? Would you ever make money?
That is why a lot of people are turning to trading a much more reliable and much more stable instrument; Market Index or Market Index ETF.
Read about how trading an index based strategy can help you overcome all these problems at
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